Sunday, March 30, 2014

12 Weeks!

This is the first picture Pete took tonight! He's getting good at getting these pics :)
How far along:  12 weeks
How big is the baby: Junior is the size of a lime!
Total weight gain/loss: I gained another ½-1 pound this week… So about 1.5-2 pounds gained, but still a “net loss” of 5 ish pounds
Maternity clothes: No, although I have noticed some pants getting a bit tight in their waistband/on my abdomen.  I’m not really showing or anything, but I think my size/shape must be gradually changing a bit there :)
Stretch marks: Nope!
Sleep: I am still napping when I can… I’m struggling to actually sleep through the night, but that’s mainly from waking up to go to the bathroom! 
Exercise:  At the beginning of this week I was feeling a LOT better and decided I’d go to the Y the next day… and the next day I was back to feeling sick and have been ever since :( Boo!
Best moment last week: I had a good Saturday, Sunday, and Monday, in terms of little to no nausea!  I was able to eat regularly :) That was a nice change of pace!
Movement: It’ll probably be a while before I feel the movements, but I’m sure Junior is wiggling and moving!
Food cravings/aversions: Pretty much anything I eat upsets/hurts my stomach 
:( Really struggling with meat… Saltines and ginger ale have helped some this week, but not a ton…
Other symptoms: Dizziness, but I’ve had that since week 4 or 5 I think
Gender: No idea! :)
Labor signs:  Nada
Belly button: As innie as can be!
Weddings rings: On! In fact, they’ve been feeling looser as I’ve lost weight
What I miss: Being active… feeling normal! haha
What I am looking forward to: It was really nice to be able to eat normally earlier this week – a nice treat, I guess… Looking forward to that being the norm again
Weekly Wisdom: Don’t assume that you’ll feel good the next day… So, for example, if you feel well enough to work out (or clean, or whatever) go ahead and do it then! Don’t wait for the next day… Because, like me, you could wake up sick again the next day!

And now, for your viewing pleasure, some outtakes from tonight's "photo session!"  Pete was trying to make me laugh because it apparently gets a much better smile out of me haha :) So... this progression of pictures are the shots he got of me while he pretended to be an Australian photographer :) 

I was laughing so hard by the end that tears were streaming down my face! This is... The real me, I guess :)


  1. Those were fun! Nice- Pete's slippers!

  2. I love these posts! You have a beautiful smile and Pete sure knows how to get the biggest and best ones from you! So happy for you two and I look forward to the continued pregnancy updates!

  3. Haha, I love the outtakes:) And the "real" you ;)
