Monday, September 14, 2015

Eleven Months!

Caleb is 11 months old!

Weight: 23.5 lbs. He gained almost a pound this month! This is the 87th percentile.

Length: 29. 5 inches.  He grew ¼ of an inch… This is the 56th percentile.

Head Circumference: Didn’t get this checked.

We went in for a weight check, so we didn’t actually get his percentiles.  An app that I use listed these percentiles, but I’m not sure if it’s right or not :)

He's grown so much! It's hard to believe...

Diaper Size: He’s still in size 3 and he is still wearing size 4 diapers overnight.  We decided to stick it out and leave him in size 3s during the day for now.  We just ordered another box of 3s, but I think this will be our last box of them!

Clothing Size: I’m having to start packing up his 12 month stuff.  He’s mainly wearing 12-18m and 18m things now.  He’s not quite tall enough for the 18m pants, so I’m trying to make 12m ones last as long as I can :) He’s still able to wear size 4 shoes, but barely! I pulled out a pair of size 5 ones this week and they seem to fit him much better.

I can't even stand how cute he is!
How did we get so blessed to have this boy in our family?! <3

Nicknames: We mainly call him Caleb… I sometimes call him Baby or Caleb Cub… We also sometimes call him things like Monster and Tank :) 

Health: Caleb has continued to teethe this month… His two upper lateral incisors are all the way through and his top middle teeth and through now, too! We’ve had a bit of a break during the last week… He’s been sleeping better and in a better mood. (The last 2 days, officially into his 12 month, he seems to have started teething again! The poor kid :( It feels like it’s never-ending!)

You can see some of his top teeth here!
He has just started doing this funny smile 
where he squints his eyes all the way shut
(I realize it looks like he might be crying, but he's just a little sick with red eyes :/)
It's so funny and reminded me of this picture of me!

Sleep: Bed time and nap time are going SO MUCH BETTER these days! We’ve continued to put Caleb down awake and he’s having a much better time than he was a month ago :) Phew! He will often cry and we’ll go in around 10 minutes to lay him back down, but then that’s it.  Actually, the last week or so, has been even better than that! He’s basically just putting himself to sleep (maybe with a couple minutes of fussing), often not needing us to go back in at all.

Just a silly face I wanted to include ;)

Diet: Caleb’s food schedule is pretty similar to last month.  He’s nursing 3-4 times/day.  He occasionally skips one overnight feeding.  And on other occasions he skips his early afternoon feeding.  Caleb sometimes eats dinner earlier and then will have a snack at bed time (before nursing)… There’s not a time during the day that it works well for a snack yet. I think he’ll eventually eat breakfast as soon as he gets up and then will need a snack sometime mid-morning, but right now he doesn’t eat breakfast until he’s been up for like an hour and a half. (The last couple days, officially in month 12 like I said earlier, he hasn’t been eating well – I think it’s all related to teeth coming in, but I can’t actually see any spots yet.)

He loves his food!
(Photo by Kathy Mauer)

Loves: He loves jumping! He just jumps and jumps in his bed… It’s cute, but sometimes it distracts him from going to sleep ;)
He loves splashing in the bath! He makes big waves in the big tub… then he’ll crawl to the other end and splash some more!
He loves sneaking up the stairs :) He’ll round the corner from the living room into the dining room and you can hear the excitement in his babbling when he realizes the stairs aren’t blocked off haha :)
He loves watching cars – whether outside, or from the window… It’s a fun way to occupy time with him
He loves being outside in general… He hasn’t liked the grass before, but it seems like he’s starting to get used to it! Finally :)

This is from when he wouldn't get off of the blanket because of the grass!

Now he's venturing off of the blanket :)
Pete got this great shot last weekend!

Caleb loves swinging too!

Dislikes: He doesn’t like sleeping in ;)  I realize he might sleep in compared to other kids, but it’s still an adjustment for us! He’s usually waking up between 6:45 and 7:30 – we try to leave him in there at least until 7.
He doesn’t like teething! It’s been a welcome relief during the last week, without teeth bothering him.  Unfortunately, it looks like we’re headed back into it for another round now!
He also doesn’t like having his face wiped off after meals and when we try to check his mouth for teeth :)

I think C looks sooo cute here! 
But you can also see how he's looking kinda sick from this round of teething :/ 
Poor baby! <3

Milestones: Teeth #s 3, 4, 5, and 6 are all through now! 3 and 4 were just starting to break through at 10 months, so this was a productive month!
He’s continued to babble a lot and to walk along all of our furniture, easily transitioning from one piece of furniture to another, etc.  He’s still not really standing or walking on his own yet.  I wonder if that will change by his birthday??
He started climbing the stairs! And he’s fast at it!!
He started bathing in the big tub.  He loves being able to crawl around and play with toys in there.  He also loves turning on the water and standing up using the side of the tub.  He usually ends up letting go of the side and just standing there for a while before he falls on his bum.  That’s when he stands on his own the best – interestingly, a month or two ago, that’s where he was pulling up to stand the best.  So, I suspect we’ll see him standing on his own more now that he’s started to do that.
He left the country! We went to Canada last weekend for a day trip to Ikea for our anniversary.  Caleb came with us and did pretty well :)
He moved to his big boy car seat! He seems to like it more, but maybe that’s all in my head? :)
Caleb started waving this month! It’s not an all the time thing, but he definitely does it some now (and at the right time - for weeks he's been waving randomly during the day, but not at the "right" time)… I’ve been waiting ages for him to wave!

He has also mastered his Chris Farley look while taking selfies ;)

Baby Gear Love: Caleb still loves his walker toy and table toy. He also loves a white kitchen spoon that I gave him to play with one day ;)
I’m loving Koala Kids Prewalker Training Shoes. They have Velcro straps and soft soles and they work really great for him as he’s learning to walk. I also appreciate how easy they are to get on his feet :) He’s outgrowing his 4s – specifically his left foot is ;) But I have size 5 ones in a different color, thankfully!

You can sort of see those shoes here :) 
(Photo by Kathy Mauer)

Random Thoughts: Caleb has definitely improved with sleeping; we both feel hopeful that he’ll continue to improve in this area! Thank God :)
I can’t can’t can’t believe that Caleb will be 1 in less than a month! So bittersweet <3 How did that go by so quickly?!

Mama Update: I’m now pretty consistently between 15 and 17 pounds under my pre-pregnancy weight; so, I lost 2-4 pounds again this month! I held strong last week at 17 pounds under, but this week I seem to be fluctuating more…17 pounds under (where I was last week), means I’m 50 pounds under where I ended my pregnancy with Caleb!! That’s pretty fun and exciting to me :) I’m working on toning and strengthening now.
I’ve hit up some good sales lately (Peebles and Schoola!) and I’ve been able to replace some of the things that I’ve had to pack away that were too big.  It’s nice to have things that fit again!

I love this picture of me and my boy <3
(Photo by Kathy Mauer)

I had a busy month with work because I was on a committee for a special service at church.  I did lots of extra hours and I’m so grateful that Pete was able to be home with Caleb during those hours.  

Our family picture from the special service, honoring my Grandad!
(Photo by Kathy Mauer)