Saturday, April 5, 2014

13 Weeks!

The pants I'm wearing in this picture (that you can hardly seen) have never been worn... 
They were too small for me before I was pregnant!
How far along:  13 weeks
How big is the baby: Junior is the size of a peach!
Total weight gain/loss: I’m still sitting right around 6 pounds lost, so I guess I lost a bit again this week? Maybe ha
Maternity clothes: I have noticed that… my shape has changed, I guess.  My lower abdomen and belly are getting thicker, but my high/natural waist is smaller and my legs are smaller.  So, most of my regular pants are starting to feel tight in the waist.  I wore a bella band one day this week, used the hair tie trick a couple other days. 
However, I’m actually able to wear a smaller size pants than I could before I got pregnant – I’m wearing pants I haven’t worn since I was dating Pete! :) It’s uncomfortable to button them most of the time, but it’s uncomfortable to button my bigger jeans, too! So… I’m enjoying my growing pants wardrobe for the time being haha :)
Stretch marks: Nope!
Sleep: I’m sleeping pretty well, but I find that busy days leave me feeling just exhausted!  I told Pete it’s because I’m tired for 2 people :)
Exercise:  I went to the gym twice this week!  I didn’t do a super intense workout because it seems like as I increase intensity, my nausea increases… But I exercised nonetheless! :)
Best moment last week: Hearing our baby’s heartbeat again and actually hearing the baby move around while getting the heartbeat :) Our midwife commented on how active this little one is! <3
Movement: It’ll probably be a while before I feel the movements, but I now know how much this baby is moving, thanks to the Doppler at my appointment! :)
Food cravings/aversions: Berries… Raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, cranberries, anything berry!  Maybe with some cool whip on top ;)
We went and got frozen yogurt on Friday night and I got lots of berries on top and cool whip… SO yummy and really satisfied that craving!
Last Friday, I was suddenly craving bbq pizza, thanks to a facebook friend posting a picture… So, we went to CiCi’s! :)
In case you couldn't tell... I'm finally getting my appetite back! YAY! :)
Other symptoms: Dizziness, somewhat of a head cold(?), and round ligament pain (which isn’t fun with the coughing/sneezing from the cold haha!)
Gender: No idea! :)
Labor signs:  Nada
Belly button: As innie as can be!
Weddings rings: On! In fact, they’ve been feeling looser as I’ve lost weight
What I miss: Being active… feeling normal! haha
What I am looking forward to: Getting over this sickness… I feel like my nausea started subsiding and then I got sick with this head cold! I just want to feel good haha :)
I’m also looking forward to our vacationnnnn!!!! :)

Weekly Wisdom: Don’t get sick when you’re pregnant! Haha :)

And one last picture, in honor of my dad's birthday :)

1 comment:

  1. And those previously too small pants are pretty hot pink!
