Monday, March 27, 2017

Five and Six Months!

Gabriella is 5&6 months old!

The two months are combined this time because we’ve had so much sickness going around our family for the last few months.  We’re finally all doing better (and Gabby is actually 7 months now, but I will try to keep these accurate for 5-6 months).

They sure do look alike!

Weight: 14 lbs., 6 oz. at 5 months.  16 lbs. at 6 months!  She lost some weight around 5 months because of being sick.

Length: No length for 5 months.  26” at 6 months!

Head Circumference: Nothing for 5 months. 17” for 6 months.

Diaper Size: She’s wearing size 2 now.  I think we’re going to start doing size 3 overnights soon.

Such a happy girl! <3

Clothing Size: She is wearing 6 months, but I’ll need to pack them up before she hits 7 months.  Lots of her 6 month things are too tight around now that she’s actually 6 months old :)

Nicknames: No changes here - She is called Gabby most often, along with variations.  I call her Gabby Girl a lot.  Pete calls her Gabby Goo.  And Caleb calls her baby or Abby (ah-bee) :)

Her first New Year's Eve/Day!

Health: She has had a lot of sickness the last couple of months :( The whole family got the stomach bug in the beginning of January and Gabby managed to avoid that (yay nursing!).  Shortly after that, she got RSV, which caused an upper respiratory infection and bronchiolitis.  Those were some difficult weeks – Gabby & I never went to church in January and Pete & Caleb only went once.  She was supposed to be dedicated, but we had to cancel because we didn’t want to risk spreading RSV (and Gabby sure didn’t feel like going out anyway).  She lost some weight during that time.  It’s hard to remember the exact timeline – Gabby has had ear infections a couple times in January and February.  Once was one ear and once was both ears.  One of those times was the second dedication date, which was again cancelled.  It’s been an odd start to the year for us!

Her first Valentine's Day!

Sleep: For a while, Gabriella was only getting up once in the night.  But once RSV started, then she started getting up really often.  Her sleep has been totally unpredictable and all over the place since then.  Right before she hit 6 months, she slept completely through the night one time, 12+ hours! But that didn’t become a new pattern :) She’s usually up around 2 times/night.  She’s pretty consistent with 1 morning nap and 1 afternoon nap.  She sometimes tries to sneak in a 3rd nap close to dinner time, but I try to make her hold out because then she can go to bed around 7-7:30.

Diet: She’s just nursing still.  I think she’ll start solids between 6-7 months.  She’s generally nursing 6 or 7 times a day still, occasionally more or less, but usually around there.

Month 5 Loves: She LOVES her family! She gives all 3 of us great smiles and definitely recognizes us.  It’s fun to see when she’ll recognize a grandparent too!
She likes her exersaucer.  I kept meaning to have Pete get it out.  We finally got it and it really helps when we’re eating dinner and trying to keep her awake and occupied :)
She likes crinkly books.  I try to always keep one in the diaper bag for her now.  She basically scrunches it up and shoves it in her mouth!

Month 5 Dislikes: She still HATES baths.  I’ve been giving her sponge baths so that she doesn’t cry as much.
She doesn’t like being sick.  Her personality seemed so different in January (and some of February, month 6) because she’s just had so much sickness.  It’s sad!

I can't believe how much she's grown!

Month 6 Loves: She loves rolling. She pretty much rolls over as soon as she’s set down now :) No more leaving her alone unless she’s on the floor!
She loves the toy turtle that she got for Christmas from Uncle Dave & Aunt Rachel! We’ve been practicing sitting up and this helps keep her attention while she’s sitting.
She loves tickles! You can always get her to laugh a lot by tickling her neck or legs :)

Month 6 Dislikes: She doesn’t like being alone. If I leave her in the living room while I run to the bathroom or to the kitchen or something, she starts crying and yelling right away!
She does NOT like the NoseFrida!  She screams through us using it on her, just like Caleb used to… But it’s so helpful!

She's so active now!
It's hard to get her to sit still for a picture

Milestones: She seems to be teething, but she hasn’t gotten any teeth yet. 
She’s continued to roll both ways, but it just doesn’t seem like she’s super interested in it.
She’s starting to sit up, but still needs assistance (at 6 months).  She does love practicing sitting up – much more settled than if she’s sitting down.
She also tries to stand, by holding onto our hands.  She isn’t actually pulling herself up yet, but she definitely likes to try to do it with our help!
By 5 months, Gabby was giving kisses! So sweet.  Then around 6 months, she started grabbing my face to pull it in for a kiss :) I love her affection!

Caleb at 4 months and Gabby at 5.5 months :)

Baby Gear Love: We still love the Fisher Price Rock & Play, the Boppy, the SwaddleMe, our swing, and the Tula. We are working towards switching her into her crib, which will eliminate the SwaddleMe and the Rock & Play.
She likes our exersaucer, Bright Starts Springin’ Safari Bounce-A-Round. It’s the same one we had for Caleb.  She also likes the Bumbo because it helps with sitting up!
One last thing that we are loving right now is our NoseFrida!  Like I said above, Gabbydoes not like it at all, but this nasal aspirator works SO much better than those bulbs!

This is how our photo shoots go these days...

Random Thoughts and Mama Update combined: Like I said up above, this has been a really rough couple of months for our family.  Caleb got a stomach bug between Christmas and New Year’s weekend.  Pete and I both got it on New Year’s Eve.  Gabby stayed healthy through that.  Caleb had to stick to a bland diet for several weeks because his stomach would reject “real” food every time he tried it.

After that, I had a very odd thing that was ultimately diagnosed as a spontaneous cerebral spinal fluid leak.  I had clear fluid pouring out of my nose for no obvious reason.  That night I got an awful headache, which continued for several weeks. I haven’t been able to exercise. I haven’t been able to go to church. It’s finally now (around 6-7 weeks after it happened) starting to ease up.  I’ve been able to go to church a couple of times in February.
Gabby had RSV. Both of the kids had multiple ear infections. Pete, Caleb, and I had sinus infections.  All 4 of us were on antibiotics at one point.  It’s just really been an usual season for us and we’re hopefully coming out of it now.

 This was the day after the leak happened.
I had an awful headache this night.
I didn't know at the time that it would continue for several weeks!

I haven’t been able to exercise or anything, so I’m not sure where I’m at with weight.  It’s really frustrating to not be able to do anything right now, but I know it won’t last forever.  My mom has been a huge help with Caleb.  She’s been taking him to the Y every morning and keeping him through lunch so that I can basically just lay on the couch.  Any time I get up and start doing things, I get a horrible headache.  It seems like the leak caused the initial headache, but now my body is having a hard time recovering from that.  A lot of the stories I read said that it can take around 6 weeks to recover from the leak headache.  I’m right around 6 weeks and finally feeling like I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.  It’s certainly not done, but I’ve been able to get off the couch some!

My phrase coming into 2017 was “Choose JOY!” and I’ve had lots of opportunities to practice that already, but they certainly haven’t been what I expected :) I’m looking forward to watching Gabby continue to grow and learn new things… And hopefully I’ll be back to regular life any day now.

Monday, January 9, 2017

Four Months!

Gabriella is 4 months old!

Weight: 13 lbs., 15 oz. This was the 47th percentile.  This is so weird to me because Gabby looks chunky and because Caleb was so much bigger than this!

Length: 25” This is the 67th percentile.  She’s just generally smaller than Caleb :) 

Head Circumference: 16.5” I don’t know what percentile this was.

Wow! She looks huge... A lot has changed in three months!

Diaper Size: She’s wearing size 1 still, but she really needs size 2 now.  We’re trying to finish off the 1s that we have.  I think soon we’ll start using 1s during the day and 2s overnight.

Clothing Size: She is wearing 3-6 months and 6 months no problem.
You can see that she filled out some more this month :)

Nicknames: She is called Gabby most often, along with variations.  I call her Gabby Girl a lot.  Pete calls her Gabby Goo.  And Caleb calls her Abby (ah-bee) :)

Health: Her cradle cap is still not looking great.  I’m trying to remember to do baby oil the morning or night before her baths, but it’s still pretty rough.

Caleb on the left and Gabby on the right.
I feel like they look less alike now!

Sleep: Gabriella has had a very hard month with sleep.  Truthfully, it’s not bad compared to how Caleb was or how other infants are.  It’s just been hard compared to how she has been.  She hasn’t been putting herself to sleep.  She’s been getting up twice a night to nurse.  Something like 1-2am and 5-6am.  At least she’s still going back to sleep after she nurses!

Diet: She’s just nursing still.  She’s been more all over the map this month in terms of number of times.  Generally 5-6 times, occasionally 4 or 7 :) 

Loves: She LOVES Caleb! He talks to her, lays on top of her, tries to sit on her, etc. and she just grins in return!
She likes smiles.  If you grin at her with the biggest open mouth, she’ll grin back just the same.
She likes to drool.  She blows spit bubbles all the time! Haha :)

She's doing that wide open mouth grin here!

Dislikes: She HATES baths right now.
She doesn’t like when Caleb bites her.  He likes to bite her hand when we’re not watching.  I have no idea why, but he bites hard enough to leave a mark and she just SCREAMS.

Milestones: She rolls over now! She doesn’t do it a lot, but I probably don’t give her enough tummy time either :/ It’s hard because I don’t have the freedom to just leave her on the floor like I did with Caleb.  Now there’s a monster toddler who will get her!
She has gotten very interactive. She “talks” back, laughs, smiles, etc… It’s a really fun stage!
She still really prefers to be sitting up, if we prop her up.
She grabs onto toys and plays with them some – bringing them to her mouth or playing with them with her other hand.
She consistently goes into Prime Time at the Y now.  She really hasn’t had a problem in there as far as I know.  Caleb used to get fussy and need to be walked, etc. 

Baby Gear Love: I feel like I’m forgetting to get out baby gear for Gabby…  I will start having her play with toys more now that she needs to be practicing rolling or sitting.  She currently likes a little book that has a handle to hold and crinkly pages.  She also likes a cat rattle that her Auntie Court made for her.  She’ll hold it by the tail and shake it back and forth :)
We still love the Fisher Price Rock & Play, the Boppy, the SwaddleMe, our swing, and the Tula
I need to get out our Bumbo and Exersaucer for her in the next month too.  I think she’ll want to start using those between 5 & 6 months.  I tried her in a Bumbo once already, but she seemed to not want to hold her head up that much yet.

Christmas Dress #1

Random Thoughts: I feel like Gabby’s look has changed a lot.  We’re also coming to see her personality more as she’s interacting with us.  She will “talk” if she’s not getting attention :) And I notice her laughing a lot as she observes things, even simple things like Caleb running around.  She also sort of pants when she's really excited... It's adorable <3
I think this difficult month has been due to a Mental Leap.  They say that this “stormy time” goes from 14-19 weeks.  So, that should be done around the new year! (It is January now and she seems to be settling back in to a more regular schedule.)

Christmas Dress #2

Mama Update:  When Gabby was exactly 4 months, I was right at the weight I was when she was 3 months.  I’m sure I gained with Christmas parties, etc. and then lost it.  So, 11 pounds to lose.  I’m sure I’ll gain again with Christmas Eve, Christmas day, leftovers, NYE, etc… But I’m planning to do no sweets for January (or at least until my niece’s birthday at the end of the month). 
I have been on medicine for my headaches for 3 weeks now.  I’ve noticed a big difference in severity.  I’m still having daily headaches, but not usually all day and not usually as bad as before.  I’m not being forced to lay down during the kids’ naps.  Instead, I can actually get something done like dishes!

Christmas was officially 2 days after she turned 4 months, 
but we'll count it here anyway :)
Gabriella did great! She slept a lot on Christmas Eve
and observed a lot of chaos on Christmas Day!