Friday, July 24, 2015

Nine Months!

Caleb is 9 months old!
He's all ready to go to the pool for the first time!

I couldn't pick between these two pictures! 
The first one follows my normal layout, 
but his face in the second one is too good to pass up!

Weight: 22lbs! This is the 72nd percentile.

Length: 29 inches.  This is the 74th percentile. He’s pretty proportional! He went through a growth spurt last week.  I’m not sure if he actually grew that much or if his previous measurements had been wrong.  We did have a different nurse this time who seemed more patient about getting him to stretch out.

Head Circumference: His head circumference was 18.5”. This is the 90th percentile!  So much for being proportional ;)

I wish I didn't cut his foot off in this one... He has gotten so much bigger!
I think Pete was actually holding it stretched out because he wouldn't lay still! Haha :)

Diaper Size: He’s still in size 3!  He is wearing size 4 diapers overnight and those have made a great difference.  After this last growth spurt, his size 3 diapers got much tighter/shorter on him.  I’m not sure if we’ll bump up to size 4 in general soon or if we’ll wait it out.

Clothing Size: He’s wearing 12 month things now.  Like always there are random other sizes that fit him, but I’ve pulled out just about all of his 9 month things to be packed up now.  He’s also wearing size 4 shoes.  I have some size 3 ones that still fit him, but his feet grew a lot in this growth spurt! Such a funny thing :)

Nicknames: Curious Caleb, Baby, and Caleb Cub

Health: Caleb got his 2nd tooth.  He kind of always seems to be teething now, but I don’t see any spot that’s close yet.

You can see his two little "teefers" here!

Sleep: Caleb’s sleep has gotten pretty messy lately :( He isn’t putting himself to sleep anymore.  I have to rock him to sleep at bed time, but he often needs to be rocked back to sleep in the night.  When he wakes up, he just sits up in his crib or pulls up to stand and screams until we come in.  It’s like he doesn’t remember how to lay himself back down, etc.  Such a hard stage!

Diet: Caleb still nurses well – albeit distracted, but he eats :) He is continuing to do well with eating tablefood.  I’ve started adding in a 3rd meal now.  It’s not quite consistent yet, but we’re getting there.  I’m starting to venture out with other foods for him – he likes pastas and baked beans! :) I’m thinking of adding in Greek yogurt for him too.  I think that will help me with having food options for him during the day.

It's so hard to believe this is the same kid! 
My goodness, where did my baby go?! <3

Loves: He loves standing!
He loves crawling!
He loves eating! He actually isn’t super vocal about eating, but he is vocal about not eating – see below :)
He loves Mommy! With his nighttime crankiness, he only wants me to rock him to sleep – Pete sure tries because he wants me to get some sleep too, but Caleb won’t settle without me.  This is a really hard stage and it’s exhausting, but it’s also amazing to see the way he calms down when I come in.

Dislikes: He doesn’t like being the only one not eating.  If someone has food, he will crawl over to mooch from them or he will yell until we give him food! I’m glad he’s a good eater, but this really makes it interesting when I’m trying to eat at a time that isn’t his meal time, etc.
He doesn’t like barriers!  Now that he’s mobile, we’re starting to make different barriers to stop him from getting places and he is not a fan at all!
He doesn’t like sitting still – He sure is thrilled to finally be able to be on the move :)
He doesn’t like grass.  He has cried every time we’ve put him in the grass!

See! He doesn't like sitting still :)
This was what he did the majority of the time while I tried to get his pictures!

Milestones: He got his second tooth!
He’s crawling now! He’s in a much better mood lately because he can actually get wherever he’s wanting to go.  It’s fun to watch him try to crawl after us when we leave the room :)
He can pull up to stand.  Once he figured out how to do it, he started doing it all the time!
Notice how happy he is to be standing! :)

Baby Gear Love: We don’t have this yet, but we’re going to get the Trend Lab Fleece CribWrap Rail Covers.  Now that he can stand, Caleb has started gnawing on his crib.  We probably should’ve gotten this put on already, but I wasn’t that proactive! So, there are a few bite marks :)
We will order these covers for the front (long side) and the two short sides.
Maybe by 10 months, I'll know if I need one for the other long side too :)

Random Thoughts: It’s fun watching Caleb learn and explore and grow!  We’ve noticed him recognizing people in irregular places – like he’ll recognize my mom at the Y now.
I love watching Caleb discover new places he can stand.  It’s also so much fun to see him notice a toy across the room and actually be able to get to it (and quickly!), rather than just crying because he wants something but he’s stuck.  This is a really fun age!

I couldn't resist including this silly picture of Pete tickling Caleb!

Mama Update: I’m not totally sure where I landed this month… I think I’m similar to last month? I’ve been up and down a little.  I hit my goal weight a couple of times (which is 2 pounds lower than where I was last month), but I’m not yet maintaining there.  I did get out the smaller clothes and I’ve been wearing those and packing up my too big things.  It’s such a bittersweet thing… Obviously it’s sweet to be able to wear clothes that I haven’t fit into in 5 years, but it’s hard to pack up my favorite things too! :)

It's crazy to me to see this comparison!

I can't believe my boy has been in my arms for 9 months already!