Monday, May 11, 2015

Seven Months!

Caleb is 7 months old!

Weight: 19 lbs, 12 oz.! He gained 1.25 pounds this month. So nice to see him gaining and growing, compared to how he was losing when he was first born! :)

Length: 27 inches. His length was the same as last month.  That was surprising to me because I’ve noticed some of his clothes getting shorter on him. I’m not totally sure if that’s right haha, but that’s what they said!

Head Circumference: I didn’t get this part checked.

Caleb’s next check up is at 9 months, so I’ll probably go in for a weight check at 8 months like I did this month.

This picture was too cute to skip, even with the glare on the sticker!

Diaper Size: He’s still in size 3!

Clothing Size: He’s now in wearing 6-9 month and 9 month things. I’m about to start packing up some 6-9 month things… He just keeps growing! :)

I love comparisons like this! 
His legs are getting too thick for some of his clothes ;)

Nicknames: Curious Caleb, Baby, The Boy

Our Curious Caleb!

Health: Caleb is doing so much better!! He recovered from his sinus infection – and from his messy messy diapers due to antibiotics haha :) It’s nice to have him acting more like himself again.

Sleep: Caleb has continued to sleep in his crib! We actually had borrowed the Rock n Play from my brother and sister-in-law, so we gave it back to them :) I’m so proud of Caleb for adjusting well to this change! He’s still only going about 4 hours between eating overnight… Once in a while, he’ll go 6 hours.  Hopefully as he gets older and starts eating more solids, he’ll start sleeping better.
We just got a breathable bumper for his crib because he kept getting stuck in the railings… He’d get his feet twisted in them or he’d stick his whole leg through and his thigh would get stuck.  We just started using it 3 days ago, so he’s still adjusting to it I think.  He is taking a little bit longer to fall asleep – I’ve found him distracted by the bumper… Running his hands over it and cooing :) I think it’ll just take him a few days to adjust to that change.

Diet: Nursing is going great and now he’s eating some solids!  He got used to eating cereal and then we worked him up to food; he hasn’t had cereal since.  He has liked bananas, applesauce, and green peppers.  He ate pears, but I couldn’t really tell if he liked them or not – it was similar to the consistency of applesauce. He tolerated carrots – that was a jarred baby food… I think he would like homemade better because it would be thicker.  He liked those carrots more when I thickened them up with cereal.  He does not like avocado – too bad because it’s a great source of healthy fat.  We’ve tried it a few times and just gags.
We normally eat dinner after he goes to bed, so he isn’t normally around when we’re at the dinner table.  This week, he and I met Pete for lunch one day.  Caleb was not happy to be the only one not eating! So, that’s when he tried green peppers.  He gnawed on them for a while… Then he started getting chunks off and did well gumming them :)  So, that night I gave him his bananas in chunks instead of mashed up.  He LOVED it! He kept giggling :) And he would hit his tray and scowl if I wasn’t feeding him fast enough!
He got applesauce for the first time last night.  His very first face was like it was sour – I assume it’s because it’s unsweetened… But then he ate the rest of his bowl of it SO fast! He seemed to really like it.

Loves: He loves bananas!
He loves applesauce!                                                            
He loves watching cars :) If he’s fussy, he calms right down when I take him to the window to watch the cars driving by… What a boy!
He loves his zoo toy! (More about this in Baby Gear Love below)
He loves music!
He loves Mama’s singing :) I made up a song for him and whenever I sing it he just stops and grins at me <3 Precious!

Dislikes: He doesn’t like avocado.
He doesn’t like being immobile (ish)! He gets so grumpy on the floor when he wants to move to something, but can’t… (see below)

Milestones: He’s sitting up great now!  We pretty much exclusively put him down sitting up now, instead of laying down.
He can scoot himself around a lot now! I often am confused at how he managed to get to where he is from where I put him down.  Not crawling yet, but figuring out how to get places as much as he can…

"I love my Grandma" in honor of Mother's Day!

Baby Gear Love: We’re using a lot of the same gear as last month… So I just decided to include some new things… I got him a Bright Starts Soothimal – the ducky one. It’s like a cheaper version of Sophie the Giraffe I think :) He seems to really like it.  He can hold it himself, which is a huge help!

He also lovesss his Vtech Learn & Dance Interactive Zoo. His Uncle Dave and Aunt Rachel gave it to him for Christmas, so we’d just been waiting for him to be old enough to use it… Now, I find myself constantly humming or singing those songs!
SONG 1: Listen to the music and get on your feet. Move like the animals, stomp your feet! Waddle like a penguin, stretch up tall like the giraffe. Dance like the monkey and laugh, laugh, laugh!
SONG 2: I’m a tiny little penguin, Waddling here, waddling there.
SONG 3: I’m a very friendly parrot, Chatting out loud for all to hear.
SONG 4: I’m a great big elephant, Stomping here, stomping there.
SONG 5: I’m a big and tall giraffe, Standing so high I’m touching the sky

Random Thoughts: We had a really rough couple of weeks with Caleb at the end of 6 months/beginning of 7 months.  It’s SO nice to have him down with that screaming and upset phase! I realize it won’t be the last time ;) But he was so upset back then, so I’m grateful for having fun with him again!
He has done really well with going to nursery at church and prime time at the Y.  Sometimes he’s fussy and has some tears, but he’s been able to stay for most of the time! I have noticed that he’ll be clingy afterwards… Makes me wonder if he’s missing us or what?
Caleb has just started (like in the last 2 days) tipping his head to the side and looking at things… More of his curious ways!

I love the way Caleb loves his Daddy… Pete can make Caleb giggle and smile like nobody else can!

I love the way Caleb gives kisses… For quite a while now, he’s given kisses when I ask him, “Do you have kisses for Mama?”  But he’s started being more generous with them :)

Mama Update: I lost about 5 pounds in the last month! Now I’m about 7 pounds under my pre-pregnancy weight :) I’m finally seeing a difference in how clothes fit – fitting back into the clothes I wore before I got pregnant with Caleb. I’m looking forward to getting into better shape!

This comparison is actually from 3 years ago and then Mother's Day this year, but it shows a bit of my progress (and my mom's progress!)

This comparison shows October (hours before Caleb was born), December (2 months postpartum), and May (7 months postpartum)