Sunday, June 15, 2014

23 Weeks!

 Life has been a bit busy so posters will be added in once we're in the house :)

How far along:  23 weeks
How big is the baby: Junior is the size of a grapefruit!
Total weight gain/loss: I am about 4 pounds over my pre-pregnancy weight (not quite, but almost).  And just about the same weight as last week.  I have been dealing with nausea again this week; in a lot of ways, it feels like my morning sickness has returned some.  I’m not too sure why!  I think some of it is connected to headaches/migraines, but not all of it.  Either way, I was really surprised when I weighed myself!
Maternity clothes: I’m still making a lot of my regular tops work.  Most of my regular pants are too small.  Regular skirts still work great though!  Mixing in maternity items here and there, but not exclusively :)
Stretch marks: Not yet… I’ve been using lotion some this week, which is helping my itchiness!
Sleep: I’ve been hit by a new wave of tiredness this week, I don’t know why!
Exercise: I went to the Y with my mom on Monday and Tuesday.  I was supposed to go on Thursday, but I had an awful migraine that morning.
Best moment last week: SO many good moments this week! 
I finally made our registries! 
Pete stopped at yard sales specifically because they had baby items.  He got a couple of items I was hoping to find!  Woohoo :) 
We ran into my parents at a local restaurant and they told their “regular” waitress that I was pregnant.  Her response was something along the lines of, “I was noticing that!”  So, although I’m not big enough for strangers to outright say something yet, I know they are noticing now :) That’s fun!
AND we set the closing date for our first house <3 We’re so excited!!!!  It’s really perfect timing and we can see God’s hand all over it!
See below for more amazing moments…
Movement: Junior is kicking up a storm these days!  I noticed earlier this week that he kicked and it moved my arm.  I’ve also seen him moving my laptop.  We were finally able to watch my belly and see him moving.  I didn’t really think that would happen so soon!  The first time Pete saw it, he was so amazed!  We’ve gotten to watch him moving and feel him moving so much more this week! :) I love it!
Food cravings/aversions: The chocolate fountain last week succeeded in satisfying my s’mores craving :) No garbage plate yet… And I’ve been wanting cheesecake for months, but I just can’t get it out of my head this week haha…  I actually wrote this on Thursday morning, since I change weeks on Fridays.  Pete came home Thursday night with cheesecake for me!  Such a sweet, thoughtful man <3
(Through pretty much the whole pregnancy, I’ve had an aversion to baked beans.  I’ve never liked them anyways, but the smell of them just turns my stomach now!)
Other symptoms: I had a migraine yesterday, but the medicine from my neurologist helped, thankfully!  And, like I said above, I’ve had nausea and/or morning sickness again this week… So weird!
Gender: Still a boy… And a very active one at that :)
Labor signs:  Nada
Belly button: No changes!                                                                                  
Weddings rings: On!  
What I miss: Sleeping on my stomach…  I regularly try to roll onto my stomach and it’s hardly even possible now, let alone comfortable! Haha
What I am looking forward to: Giving Junior a name! :) We have names we’ve discussed, but haven’t settled on anything yet.  And, yes, we’ll be keeping the name a secret until he’s born! :) And no, he won’t actually be a junior! :)
Weekly Wisdom:  Enjoy the little moments… I just loved watching Pete play with Junior – he looked so stunned as Junior moved around!  I cried :) haha!

Happy Father’s Day to my Babe!  Next year’s Father’s Day will be a bit different… Junior will already be getting into everything by then probably! Haha :)

Sunday, June 8, 2014

22 Weeks!

I realized that a lot of my regular skirts will work throughout the pregnancy.  That's fun! :)

There he is!
How far along:  22 weeks
How big is the baby: Junior is the size of a spaghetti squash! And I’m feeling it – definitely starting to look more pregnant these days :)
Total weight gain/loss: I am about 4 pounds over my pre-pregnancy weight (not quite, but almost).  And about 1 pound up from last week.  That is about where I want to be each week.  I do want to be careful about my sweets/dessert… I don’t want to be gaining cake/ice cream weight on top of baby weight! Haha :) I’m not upset at all about how this week went, though – a welcome change from last week’s JUMP :)
Maternity clothes: My pre-preg. jeans officially won’t button up anymore :) They definitely still work with a bella band though.  I got to nearly 5 months along with them still buttoning, which is pretty good :)
Stretch marks: Not yet, but my stomach has been getting itchy!
Sleep: Sleep has been okay this week, in general.
Exercise: I walked the high school track on Sunday.  Then I went to the Y with my mom on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday.  Wednesday I had a bad migraine again.  I was going to go today (Friday) as well, but Pete suggested I give myself a break because I had work during the day and a girls night at night.
Best moment last week: Going on a date night with Pete and dressing cute :) I wore a tight shirt that definitely showed my belly – that’s still something I need to get used to haha!
Movement: Junior still likes to kick my laptop whenever I use it :)
Food cravings/aversions: I had some country sweet chicken pizza! YUM! :) I’ve been craving s’mores for weeks – but tonight there’s going to be a chocolate fountain and I will gladly dip marshmallows and some type of graham cracker/vanilla wafer in it to satisfy that craving :) I also have suddenly wanted a garbage plate this week… I don’t know when/if that one will happen!
Other symptoms: Migraines have continued, although yesterday and today they’ve eased up thankfully!  Heartburn has kicked in this week, so I’ve had to say no to hot sauce… haha
Gender: Still a boy :)
Labor signs:  Nada
Belly button: Still in! Although I do wonder if it's gotten more shallow :)              
Weddings rings: On!  
What I miss: Sleeping on my stomach… And being headache-free and heartburn-free
What I am looking forward to: Giving Junior a name! :) We have names we’ve discussed, but haven’t settled on anything yet.  And, yes, we’ll be keeping the name a secret until he’s born! :) And actually making the registries (I have stuff picked out, but haven’t officially made them yet).
Weekly Wisdom:  Be careful! I fell in the shower on Sunday for no apparent reason.  I still have NO IDEA what happened, but I ended up with a huge bruise on my bum and I’m really sore.  I think I just lost my balance… So, anyways, be careful :)
Our family :)

Sunday, June 1, 2014

21 Weeks!

I couldn't choose between these two pictures :) I'm definitely showing more! :)
Also, there is an 'e' on the end of pomegranate, but the frame blocked it :)

This is a fun picture Pete took of our baby :)
How far along:  21 weeks
How big is the baby: Junior is the size of a pomegranate (or a carrot – those seem so vastly different in size haha)! 
Total weight gain/loss: I am about 3 pounds over my pre-preg. weight (not quite, but close enough).  That’s 3.5 pounds up from last week.  So, maybe I took a huge jump this week or maybe my last week weight was wrong, but either way I’ve increased! :) Gaining is good, I just don’t want to continue gaining at that pace haha
Maternity clothes: I’m definitely finding myself wearing maternity clothes a lot more, but I’m also utilizing the bella band a lot so I can keep wearing my old pants – they look a lot nicer in the legs!
Stretch marks: Not yet
Sleep: Sleep has been harder this week, as I fight off migraines… Hopefully that’ll all ease up soon!
Exercise: It was nice to be able to walk around Letchworth State Park on Memorial Day and still feel pretty good.  I’m enjoying being active these days.  I went with my mom to the Y on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday.  Wednesday I was stuck on the couch with a bad migraine
Best moment last week: Feeling Junior kick really hard! I also enjoyed beginning to pick things out for the baby registries.  It's fun researching, choosing prints, etc. :)
Movement: I’m sure I’ll get sick of it, but I’ve been impressed with how strong Junior is!
Food cravings/aversions: Just hungrier in general… Although I’ve been craving a country sweet chicken pizza for a few days, thanks to some friends of mine talking about it haha :)
Other symptoms: Migraines are the big issue right now and I would still really appreciate your prayers!!
Gender: We had another ultrasound this week and Junior is, in fact, still a boy :)
Labor signs:  Nada
Belly button: Still in! Although I do wonder if it's gotten more shallow :)
Weddings rings: On!  
What I miss: Sleeping on my stomach… And not feeling hungry all the time :)
What I am looking forward to: Giving Junior a name! :) We have names we’ve discussed, but haven’t settled on anything yet.  And, yes, we’ll be keeping the name a secret until he’s born! :)
Weekly Wisdom:  I don’t think I have any this week :) Um… Picking out things for the registry can be FUN! So enjoy it :)