Sunday, March 23, 2014

11 Weeks!

Poster & picture done after 11PM... So not the best, but it'll do! :) 
How far along:  11 weeks
How big is the baby: Junior is the size of a Brussels sprout!  Junior is apparently also developing fingernails, hair follicles, etc... And his/her fingers and toes are no longer webbed! YAY :) hehe
Total weight gain/loss: As of yesterday morning, I’ve lost around 6 pounds since I got pregnant, which means I gained back a pound.  Thankfully the weight loss seems to have leveled off.  Although the nausea has been in full swing this week, Pete is really good at getting me to eat!
Maternity clothes: Not yet! Technically I wore a maternity shirt today, but it’s something like a size small…. I purchased it/was given it in a smaller size so I could wear it when I’m not pregnant :)
Stretch marks: Nope!
Sleep: I’ve been napping as much as I’m able… I’ve started having trouble falling asleep/staying asleep.  I’m not totally sure why – although I think one factor is that I’m clenching/grinding my teeth at night :( I am still feeling really tired like I was at 4-5 weeks again. 
Exercise:  Still nada – looking forward to feeling better… Soon, I hope??
Best moment last week: Getting whistled at by teenage skater boys? Little did they know I was 10.5 weeks pregnant, I’m married, and I have like a decade on them! Haha :)
Movement: Nope! We did see the baby wiggling all around on the ultrasound though!
Food cravings/aversions: Pretty much anything I eat upsets/hurts my stomach :( Still struggling to eat meat – I ate boneless chicken wings last night and REALLY regret it… Still really enjoying carbs… haha! Looking forward to eating fruits & veggies again!
Other symptoms: I’ve had some headaches, but I think they’re from not eating/drinking enough… So I’m trying to work on that! 
Gender: No idea! :)
Labor signs:  Nada
Belly button: As innie as can be!
Weddings rings: On! In fact, they’ve been feeling looser as I’ve lost weight
What I miss: Feeling normal :)
What I am looking forward to: Eating…
Weekly Wisdom: Eat and drink before going to the store… I went to Walmart with my mom on Tuesday afternoon and had only had a little bit of water and some saltines… I ended up almost passing out – as in, I was feeling lightheaded, my vision had blacked over and I couldn’t hear anything!  Thankfully my mom was with me.  She led me to a bench and went and got me a drink.  It was scary, though!  I probably won’t be going to the store by myself very often anymore…

Adding after the fact: I slept more than 12 hours overnight on Friday! WOW!

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