Monday, September 15, 2014

36 Weeks!

 Looking very... pregnant!
It's getting hard to actually reach under my belly now!! Hahaha :)

How far along:  36 weeks!  As in, I’m due in less than a month!
How big is the baby: Junior is the size of a head of romaine lettuce! 
Total weight gain/loss: As of my midwife appointment this week, I’m still up 24 pounds.  I somehow managed to not gain weight; I’m not really sure how… But I was really relieved either way!  I know weight gain during pregnancy is good.  But after a total of 5 pounds gained in the previous 2 weeks, it was really nice to have a week that helped balance it out some.  I'll probably see a jump again next week :)
Maternity clothes: Yes please!
Stretch marks: They’re still coming :( Boo!
Sleep: I’ve been working hard to increase my water intake… So I’m waking up even more over night! Haha :)
Exercise: I went to the Y on Monday.  Only once, but better than none… I am still managing to do 3 miles at a time… I’m not sure how long that will last!
Best moment last week: Being told I didn’t gain another crazy amount of weight! Haha :)
Our rug for the living room/office area came and we put it in place.  It’s so great!  We already have the dining room one in place, too.
The rocker for the nursery came this week too!  It’s so nice to have things coming together.
I ordered Junior a couple of cute toys for Christmas… We’re not really doing Christmas for him this year, but there was a good sale/promo code combination happening and I needed to add something to an order for one of his cousins :)
Movement: Tons, and really low!
Food cravings/aversions: I had been wanting pumpkin cheesecake for a few weeks.  Over the weekend, I ate homemade pumpkin pie ice cream from our local ice cream place.  I had cheesecake pieces and caramel sauce on top of it.  It was SO perfect!
Other symptoms: I’m just generally getting rather uncomfortable :/
Gender: He’s a boy <3
Labor signs:  Braxton hicks contractions have gotten a bit stronger… 
Belly button: Still holding on as an innie for now… Let’s hope it stays that way!
Weddings rings: Still on!
What I miss: Being able to sit, lay down, stand, etc. comfortably haha…
What I am looking forward to: Setting up the nursery – SOON!  Pete’s working on painting our master bedroom and then we can move in there and work on the nursery!
Weekly Wisdom:  I don’t have any that I can think of right now…

And a bonus picture that Pete took that I really love...

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