Monday, September 29, 2014

38 Weeks!

Getting big!!  Grateful for comfy dresses :)

These pics are also a sneak peek and the nursery.  
The green, in real life, is much lighter than it is looking here.  
2 walls are light green and 2 walls are light grey.

How far along:  38 weeks! 
How big is the baby: Junior is the size of a leek (I am guessing this means in length)!  This week I saw a different midwife than last week.  She seemed reluctant to estimate his size (We think because she didn’t want to scare me!).  Once we told her that last week’s midwife did, then she said she would estimate that he is about 8 pounds now.  That is right on track with last week’s estimate plus the ½ pound babies are expected to gain each week at the end.  She told me she would be fine with me having him at any time now!  Crazy…
Total weight gain/loss: As of my midwife appointment this week, I’m now up 28-29 pounds.  I’m ready for this number to stop increasing ;)  But I’m almost there!  My midwife did tell me that I’m doing well with my weight and to keep doing what I’m doing; that was really encouraging to hear after seeing a number I didn’t want to see! :)
Maternity clothes: I’m actually outgrowing some of my staples… I had to go through a bin I have of the next size up maternity clothes to find some jeans, etc. that I can wear now!
I am starting to day dream about my other clothes… I know it’ll still be a while before I can wear my pre-pregnancy jeans, etc… But I am looking forward to it!
Stretch marks: They’re still coming :( Boo! 
Sleep: I feel like I’m sleeping so much less this week… I just toss and turn, unable to get comfortable and unable to stop thinking about the tasks I need to accomplish, etc.
Exercise: I went to the Y on Monday and Thursday.  On Monday, I walked 3 miles and ended up very crampy and very sore (in my pelvis, hips, etc.).  So, after a couple recovery days, I decided to just do 2 miles on Thursday.  That went much better!  My midwife did say that it’s fine if walking causes cramps/contractions because I’m “in the safe zone” now :)
Best moment last week: Celebrating my birthday on Friday night with my parents, brothers, their wives & kids… So fun!  And Pete made delicious food :) <3
A cashier asked me when I was due and I told her 10/10.  She responded, “I was gonna say… It has to be soon! You’ve dropped!”   Haha :)
We moved into the master bedroom and Pete started working on the nursery!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!
I started making nursery art, packing hospital bag, etc… Getting ready!
And, on that note, I think nesting has started… I’m not really one to feel the need to clean or accomplish those types of tasks… but that’s happening, for sure!
Movement: He is strong!  And he feels long, based on how low I feel his head but how high I feel his kicks :)  We’ll see if I’m actually right about that haha
Food cravings/aversions: I want sweets all the time right now… But maybe that’s normal for me ;)
Other symptoms: Plenty of pelvic pain still…
Gender: Boy oh boy :)
Labor signs:  Lots more Braxton Hicks – I’m getting stronger ones and I’m getting them more often… I don’t really know how much of a “labor sign” that is though :)
Belly button: It’s flat…. For sure!  And sometimes is starting to stick out
Weddings rings: During this week, it got very hard to get my rings off.  There were multiple days where I couldn’t.  So, around 37.5 weeks, I decided to go ahead and take them off :( I’m wearing a substitute ring – a big ol’ faux engagement ring that was one of my nana’s fashion rings :)
What I miss: I have started really missing my “regular” clothes!  Seriously…
What I am looking forward to: Decorating and filling the nursery, finishing those last minute tasks…
Weekly Wisdom:  Clean and work on things while you have the energy to, but give yourself necessary break times!  (For me, working on nursery art on the computer was a great break time… And folding laundry.  Both require you to sit, but you’re still accomplishing things!)

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Bonus Post!

I have found some memes on facebook throughout the last couple of weeks that I just had to save because they were so funny to me.  I decided to share them with you because... Why not? :)

 This is seriously the story of my life right now....

Food... All of it.

Also the story of my life :)

 Sometimes if feels like it....

And I'm pretty sure that this is what I look like on a daily basis ;)

I have NO idea if this is true... But it was interesting to me :)

What I have to look forward to...

All joking aside, I am so honored and blessed to get to raise this little one <3

And cue the tears...

Sunday, September 21, 2014

37 Weeks!

Wearing some clothes that had been too big for a while... 
Also, you can't see it, but I'm wearing heels!  
I don't know what I was thinking haha

Not looking quite as big as I feel :)

How far along:  37 weeks!  I’m measuring about a week and a half ahead… 
How big is the baby: Junior is the size of a bunch of Swiss chard (that’s random)!  My midwife estimated (when I was 36.5 weeks) that Junior was about 7.5 pounds.  That would make him over 9 pounds if I got to forty weeks… We’ll see if she was right or not!
Total weight gain/loss: As of my midwife appointment this week, I’m now up 27 pounds.  That was a big jump… But I’m swelling more and I hadn’t gained any last week.  Oh well, I’m getting close to the end.  Hopefully then it’ll start going the opposite direction!
Maternity clothes: I’m actually outgrowing some of my staples… I had to go through a bin I have of the next size up maternity clothes to find some jeans, etc. that I can wear now!
I am starting to day dream about my other clothes… I know it’ll still be a while before I can wear my pre-pregnancy jeans, etc… But I am looking forward to it!
Stretch marks: They’re still coming :( Boo!
Sleep: I feel like I’m sleeping less… Waking up a lot with pain and trying to roll over.  Then I decide I might as well go to the bathroom while I’m awake.  Then I come back to bed and have to re-attempt to get comfortable… Quite the process :)  Soon I will be sleeping less for very different reasons!
Exercise: I went to the track on Sunday, Y on Monday, and Y on Thursday!  Yippee! This is what happens when my walking partner is back in town :)  All three times I did between 2 and 3 miles.  I did less because I got there late, not because I had to stop early :)
Best moment last week: We had our maternity pictures done!!! I can’t wait to see them :)
I also had some fun birthday celebrations… a lunch with my mom, a breakfast with a friend, and I’ll have dinner tonight with the family :)  Woohoo!
Movement: He’s still moving a lot, but not quite as much as he was… I feel his head SO LOW!  I said this week that I didn’t think I’d be feeling the baby THIS low until I was in labor! Haha :)
Food cravings/aversions: I had a delicious cheeseburger this week :)  I can’t really think of any specific cravings/aversions… Oh!  I had been wanting dark chocolate for a while and I was given some for my birthday – Perfect timing!  (Thanks, Mom Appleton!)
Other symptoms: Junior has definitely dropped… So I’m having a lot of pelvic pain, hip pain, etc.  He also likes to hit some nerve that makes my left leg numb?  It’s fun ;)
Gender: As far as we know, he’s still a boy!  (I can’t even imagine what it would be like to think you know the gender and then find out when the baby is born that you/ultrasound techs etc. were wrong!)
Labor signs:  Like I said, Junior has dropped.  So that’s a good sign!  I’m having a lot of Braxton Hicks; they’ve definitely increased in frequency and pain.  Still nothing like labor, I’m sure! 
Belly button: It’s basically flat now… Depending on how he moves, sometimes it even starts to stick out.  But it isn’t an outie yet
Weddings rings: Still on, but they’re definitely getting tight!
What I miss: The lack of pain before he dropped ;)
What I am looking forward to: Setting up the nursery – SOON!  Pete is just about done with the master bedroom.  We should be moving in there in the next couple of days and then he’ll work on painting the nursery!  YAYYYYY!!!
Also getting together with my family tonight (Friday) for my birthday!  It’ll be fun :)
Weekly Wisdom:  It hurts when the baby drops… be prepared!  It gets hard to walk, sit, lay down, stand, etc! :)  But, at the same time, it’s great progress and you know you’re getting close!  So, it’s painful, but exciting :)

In case you missed this on facebook... 
I felt like it looked like I had a beach ball in my shirt! haha :)

Monday, September 15, 2014

36 Weeks!

 Looking very... pregnant!
It's getting hard to actually reach under my belly now!! Hahaha :)

How far along:  36 weeks!  As in, I’m due in less than a month!
How big is the baby: Junior is the size of a head of romaine lettuce! 
Total weight gain/loss: As of my midwife appointment this week, I’m still up 24 pounds.  I somehow managed to not gain weight; I’m not really sure how… But I was really relieved either way!  I know weight gain during pregnancy is good.  But after a total of 5 pounds gained in the previous 2 weeks, it was really nice to have a week that helped balance it out some.  I'll probably see a jump again next week :)
Maternity clothes: Yes please!
Stretch marks: They’re still coming :( Boo!
Sleep: I’ve been working hard to increase my water intake… So I’m waking up even more over night! Haha :)
Exercise: I went to the Y on Monday.  Only once, but better than none… I am still managing to do 3 miles at a time… I’m not sure how long that will last!
Best moment last week: Being told I didn’t gain another crazy amount of weight! Haha :)
Our rug for the living room/office area came and we put it in place.  It’s so great!  We already have the dining room one in place, too.
The rocker for the nursery came this week too!  It’s so nice to have things coming together.
I ordered Junior a couple of cute toys for Christmas… We’re not really doing Christmas for him this year, but there was a good sale/promo code combination happening and I needed to add something to an order for one of his cousins :)
Movement: Tons, and really low!
Food cravings/aversions: I had been wanting pumpkin cheesecake for a few weeks.  Over the weekend, I ate homemade pumpkin pie ice cream from our local ice cream place.  I had cheesecake pieces and caramel sauce on top of it.  It was SO perfect!
Other symptoms: I’m just generally getting rather uncomfortable :/
Gender: He’s a boy <3
Labor signs:  Braxton hicks contractions have gotten a bit stronger… 
Belly button: Still holding on as an innie for now… Let’s hope it stays that way!
Weddings rings: Still on!
What I miss: Being able to sit, lay down, stand, etc. comfortably haha…
What I am looking forward to: Setting up the nursery – SOON!  Pete’s working on painting our master bedroom and then we can move in there and work on the nursery!
Weekly Wisdom:  I don’t have any that I can think of right now…

And a bonus picture that Pete took that I really love...

Monday, September 8, 2014

35 Weeks!

We had a wedding to go to on Saturday :)

 I don't know why I haven't worn this dress sooner... It's so comfortable and easy!

There's our big boy! :)

How far along:  35 weeks!  Oh my goodness…
How big is the baby: Junior is the size of a honeydew melon! 
Total weight gain/loss: As of my midwife appointment this week, I’m up 24 pounds.  That was a huge, unexpected jump!  It’s frustrating to see… My midwife suspects a lot of it is fluid retention.  I’m also measuring about 1 week ahead right now.  Not so fun to be about the weight I wanted to be at 40 weeks, but still having 5 weeks to go… Oh well!  Junior’s worth the weight gain I suppose :)
Maternity clothes: In this picture, nothing is maternity… But it’s probably part of the reason my belly looks so big! :) (Maybe it's the angle too! haha) In general, I have to wear maternity now!
Stretch marks: Some new ones popped up this week… I think I/Junior had a growth spurt or something because I suddenly popped out more and I suddenly got some new stretch marks…
Sleep: I’m struggling to sleep these days… (In fact, I’m writing this at 5:30am.  I’ve been up since 4 because I just couldn’t sleep…)  On the days that I don’t sleep well over night, I’m trying to take an early afternoon nap.  That way I get some extra sleep, but it *hopefully* doesn’t keep me up at night.
Exercise: I have really slowed down with life in general… I find myself so worn out (maybe partially because I’m doing more around the house… see below).  Also, my Y partner is on vacation! (Miss you, Mom :) )  So… All those excuses to say I didn’t go to the Y this week :(  I wanted to go Monday, but it was Labor Day.  Tuesdays and Wednesdays can be hard to get there because of my schedule.  So, I was determined to go Thursday.  Then I got about 3 hours of sleep overnight.  So, I napped during my Y time :)  I think that was a good toss up! Haha :)
Best moment last week: I’m working on getting a schedule set in place over this past week and the next 5 weeks… I am trying to get a system of cleaning etc.  I know it’ll be thrown in the air for a bit after Junior is born, but I feel like if I can get it established now then I’ll have something to settle back into as life finds a new normal in October/November :)
In light of that, we’ve had a super productive week!
We prepped and froze a bunch of veggies on Monday.
I’ve worked a lot this week on getting the house more settled – putting away random things that hadn’t found a spot, etc.  I’m also trying to finally get every room clean so that it’s just “maintenance” that has to happen.  This will help so much as I continue to get bigger and slower :)
We ordered a rug for our “office” area (a section of our living room haha) and one for our dining room.
AND we ordered the car seat! YAY!
Finding a GREAT deal on a swivel glider that I had crossed off my list because it was too expensive!
We also scheduled our maternity pictures and have newborn pictures in the works… SUCH a fun week!
Movement: I think Junior has continued to grow (which is a good thing!)… I can feel him pushing down into my pelvis and up into my ribs at the same time.  We’ve also watched him stretching my belly in diagonal directions :)
Food cravings/aversions: I don’t feel like there’s anything specific this week, oddly enough…
Other symptoms: I finally recovered from the stomach bug over the weekend… Somewhere between Sunday night and Monday morning.  I’m SO grateful for this!
Gender: He’s a boy <3
Labor signs:  Braxton hicks contractions have gotten a bit stronger… 
Belly button: It’s still in… Barely.  However, there were a couple times this week that Junior made it poke out from the way he was sitting/stretching.
Weddings rings: They’re on… My hands haven’t really been swelling this week.
What I miss: Sleeping through the night, again :) Also… Being able to easily shave my legs!  It’s like an Olympic event now :)
What I am looking forward to: Setting up the nursery – SOON!  As the end is approaching, it’s all starting to feel more real… I can’t believe I will have my son in my arms in just a few short weeks <3 (and now I’m crying…)
Weekly Wisdom:  Get a system in place before the baby comes!  It’s a super nice feeling having the house feel more settled  and clean, etc.!

Monday, September 1, 2014

34 Weeks!

 My hair is a little crazy... Usually we do my pictures before church, but this one was after church (and a few other things)... Oh well :)

This dress is not maternity - I just happened to realize it would work!

How far along:  34 weeks! 6 weeks to go (or 7 or 8... ha)!
How big is the baby: Junior is the size of a cantaloupe!  Or… the weight of a bag of flour/sugar… No wonder I’m worn out! :)
Total weight gain/loss: No update from last week’s – I’ll update next week :)
Maternity clothes: Yup – and I’m noticing that some of my smaller ones are getting tight or short now… I guess that’s what happens as you near the end :)
Stretch marks: I think I’ve had a couple more coming through… I don’t really see them because they’re on the underside of my belly :) So, I can only see them when I look in the mirror haha
Sleep: I am waking up even more often to go to the bathroom and/or to readjust… I go between 2 and 3 hours before needing to get up to go to the bathroom :)
Exercise: I was able to get to the Y a couple times again this week… And I’m definitely not as fast as I used to be, but I’ve still been able to do 3 miles each time!
Best moment last week: We started childbirth classes… That is so exciting, but it makes it all feel so real!  We were discussing ways to relax during the pain of labor, etc… I can’t believe we’re at the point of making those plans!
A hamper I ordered a couple of weeks ago for the nursery came in… It’s so cute and perfect!
More progress is happening on the work in our master bedroom… I can’t wait to get in there because then we’ll be able to set up the nursery!
I also had a really productive day baking etc… That was nice!
Movement: His movement hasn’t slowed down yet… Still lots of big, painful, shocking jabs etc :)
Food cravings/aversions: I made zucchini bread, blueberry zucchini bread, and lemon zucchini bread… Those are all delicious!  I have found myself craving chocolate things a lot… Right now, though, I can’t imagine eating those things – see below
Other symptoms: I have, in general, been nauseous this week… I think it’s acid reflux related and maybe because I need to eat smaller meals (Junior is cramping my stomach!).
I woke up overnight last night (Thursday night) with what I think is a stomach bug :( So, I got very little sleep and I’m eating very bland foods and trying to drink and stay hydrated…
My migraines have calmed down this week.  The medicine from the midwife definitely helped break the cycle… And I switched allergy medicines and I think that helped, too.
Gender: He’s a boy <3
Labor signs:  Lots of Braxton hicks – I’ve just gotten used to them haha… They’re not painful, just uncomfortable/annoying I guess
Belly button: Still hanging on with an innie… Maybe I’ll make it!
Weddings rings: Still on!  My hands swell a little bit here and there, but nothing concerning.
What I miss: Right this minute? Eating regular food :)  In general? Sleeping on my stomach and sleeping through the night
What I am looking forward to: I still am most looking forward to setting up the nursery… I think when that is done, it’s going to feel SO MUCH more real that we’re about to bring a baby home… It’s still very surreal.
Weekly Wisdom:  Avoid stomach bugs… They’re not fun to add on top of a pregnancy!