Sunday, May 18, 2014

19 Weeks!

Finally back on track with making a poster, getting a picture taken, and getting a blog up on time! haha :)
Blue for my son <3
How far along:  19 weeks
How big is the baby: Junior is the size of an heirloom tomato! 
Total weight gain/loss: I’m getting closer to my pre-pregnancy weight – about 1 pound under it now, I think! So, I gained 1-1.5 pounds this week.  This rate of weight gain is shocking for me to see because I’m comparing it to like before pregnancy… But I also think Junior is starting to grow more – I’m definitely showing more :)
Maternity clothes: As my stomach has popped out a little more, I’ve been more inclined to wear maternity tops.  I’m still able to wear most of the bottoms I own. 
Stretch marks: Nope!
Sleep: I’m struggling to sleep through the night already – I didn’t expect this so soon!  I find myself waking up often because I need to go to the bathroom or to change my position haha :)
Exercise: I went to the Y with my mom a couple of times this week.  I was dealing with some cramping (probably due to dehydration & round ligament pain), so I didn’t go quite as often as normal.
Best moment last week: Finding out that we have A SON!!! Celebrating my first Mother’s Day and sharing the news of our son with our families (and then with friends).
Movement: Junior moves around all the time… I feel him pretty much every morning; I’m starting to feel his movement with my hand on the outside of my stomach, but Pete hasn’t gotten to feel it yet.  Hopefully soon!  I also feel him anytime I eat sweets… They must make him hyper in there :) I’ve noticed that he tends to kick at the button/zipper of pants, so he’ll probably like it when I switch to maternity pants haha :)  His movement actually woke me up on Mother’s Day <3 I had accidentally rolled onto my stomach and he was moving around like crazy!
Food cravings/aversions: I don’t think anything specific?  Not that I can remember… I do really want a tuna melt; so I’ll probably have one soon
Other symptoms: Typical back pain, nausea, dizziness, and hunger… But I had the added cramping this week.  It was concerning at first, but I went to my midwife just to be checked out.  She told me that I was dehydrated and that was causing my uterus to cramp up.  So, I’ve been upping my water intake, and it seems to be helping!
Gender: IT’S A BOY!!!!!!!!!!! And my suspicions were right :) <3

Labor signs:  Nada
Belly button: Still in!
Weddings rings: On!
What I miss: Being able to go hours without going to the bathroom haha!
What I am looking forward to: Registering and picking out fun things for our sweet little guy <3
Weekly Wisdom: It’s okay to call your midwife/doctor with questions.  They won’t think you’re stupid.  It’s better to be safe and check it out if you’re concerned! :) And drink MORE than you’re drinking haha