Sunday, December 13, 2015

Twelve Months!

Caleb is 12 months old!

Weight: 24 lbs, 5 ounces. He gained almost a pound again this month! This is the 72nd percentile.

Length: 29 and 5/8 inches.  He grew 1/8 of an inch… This is the 45th percentile.

Head Circumference: I got this checked, but they didn’t tell me it (or the percentile).

Last month, according to my app, he was in the 87th percentile for weight and now the app says he’s in the 89th percentile.  So, he gained pretty consistently – even though the doctor’s percentile chart is different from this :)
Last month, according to my app he was in the 45th percentile for height and it has him at the 40th now.  So, he didn’t gain quite as much… I’m not sure if he’s on the brink of growing in length or what…

Laughing at his dada

Diaper Size: We’re moving him up to size 4s during the day and size 5s overnight.  Unfortunately, though, there seems to be a shortage on size 4s! They’re hard to find right now on Amazon where I normally get them.  So, I’m just looking regularly.

Clothing Size: He’s mainly wearing 12-18m and 18m things now.  I have had to pack up any one piece 12-18m things.  His 12m pants are officially all too small, but his 18m ones are still too long… So I’m using sweatpants that get tighter at the ankles, and rolling the bottoms of the others :) He’s mainly wearing size 5 shoes now.

He's grown SO MUCH this year!

Nicknames: We mainly call him Caleb :) He gets other things all the time, but nothing really consistently.

Health: His top teeth have come through a lot more and he has seemed to be teething throughout this month. This week (officially into his 13 month), I found his 7th tooth. It looks like it’s been through for a while, so I assume he had it by his birthday :) It’s really hard to check for teeth because he just bites me ;) Haha

Love his funny faces <3

Sleep: Caleb, like most kids I’m sure, has hiccups in his sleeping schedule… But, for the most part, he has been sleeping great! He goes to bed around 7:30-7:45… He nurses either once or twice overnight (11-12 ish and then 5-6 ish, but sometimes he skips one of those or just gets up in the middle).  Then he sleeps until 7:30 or 8! He’s still napping twice a day – usually 1.5 hours in the morning and 1.5 again in the afternoon!

Diet: Caleb’s food schedule is pretty similar to the last couple of months.  He’s nursing about 3 times/day.  He’s just started to skip his early afternoon nursing (This week, month 13, that has continued.  So I think that confirms it.)  Since skipping that afternoon one, he basically fits in 3 feedings at night (his bed time, my bed time, and early morning).  Once in a while he’ll skip one of those, which sure is nice! He’s eating solids really well – breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snack.  He sometimes gets a morning snack, especially if he skips an overnight feeding and gets breakfast earlier.

Loves: He still loves jumping!
He loves bath time! He likes playing with his toys and splashing
He loves eating :) Not that he cares what he’s eating – he just likes to eat in general
He loves books! He gets them off of his shelf ALL THE TIME! He flips the pages all on his own.
He loves walking! It’s been fun to see him exploring more!

Dislikes: He doesn’t like being left alone, but now he can slowly follow me :) 
He doesn’t like keeping his shoes or socks on his feet! He takes them off as soon as he can
He still doesn’t like having his face and hands wiped after a meal… If only I could convince him that it was as fun as a bath :)

Milestones: Teeth #7 came through I think – Although I didn’t find it until this week :)
He still is so fast on the stairs and he still loves his baths in the big tub!
Caleb started standing on his own and walking! <3 Such a big boy! He’s been taking steps for a few weeks now, and he’s getting better and better every day!
His babbling and sounds are changing… He has said Mama, Dada, and hi – but he doesn’t say any of them super consistently yet.  He sounded like he said hello to his doctor at his 1 year check up ;)
Caleb waves hi a lot now – to cars driving by, to people on tv, to people that we see at the store, etc… and he gives high fives!

Baby Gear Love: Caleb still loves his walker toy and table toy. He also loves a white kitchen spoon that I gave him to play with one day ;)
He loves books!

 Looking at a butterfly book!

Random Thoughts: It’s really hard to believe that Caleb is 1 already! On the one hand, I can’t believe his birthday is already here and he’s walking around and everything… On the other hand, it’s really hard to believe that he’s only been here a year.  He has totally changed our lives and our hearts.  I never knew the achy love a mother feels… He is crazy and a handful and we love him for it!

All ready for a Bills game :)

Mama Update: I’ve been maintaining at 15 pounds under my pre-pregnancy weight.  Apparently I have to be very on top of diet/exercise to be at the 17 pounds under ;) Either way, though, I’m thrilled that I’m able to maintain 15 pounds under where I was before.  I’m the smallest I’ve been as an adult, even smaller than when Pete & I started dating! That’s so crazy to me… Haha!
I keep having to pack up things that are too big… It’s a great problem, but simultaneously a frustrating problem. 
It was nice to have my work hours even back out after the crazy busyness last month! :)  

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