Saturday, December 13, 2014

Two Months!

Caleb is 2 months old!

Weight: 12 lbs., 5 oz. (64th percentile)

Length: 24.5” (91st percentile! So, I guess he’s longer/thinner)

Head Circumference: 15 and 5/8” (43rd percentile – so little!)

Diaper Size: 2 – He outgrew size 1 in length.  So, he needed size 2 so they would go higher up in the back, but the tabs reached each other or overlapped in the front for a while.

Clothing Size: 0-3 months… However, his 0-3 month white undershirt onesies are just about too short on him.  He’s working his way into 3-6 months.  (Maybe by Christmas?)

He posed almost the exact same way as last month...
This REALLY shows how much he's grown!!
You can also see how the snaps on the onesie are barely closing now!

Nicknames: We often call him “Curious Caleb” because he loves to hold his head up and look around at everything!  I call him “Wiggly Worm,” usually while changing his diaper… Pete didn’t feel that this nickname was manly enough, so he calls him “Little Dragon!” :)   Also, when Caleb wakes up and starts crying, Pete calls him “The Kraken.”  (In case you don’t get this reference, like me, it’s a fictional sea monster.  One place it’s referenced is in Pirates of the Caribbean.)

Health: His tear ducts are doing much better!  One eye still gets slightly crust occasionally, but it’s just about cleared up. 

He gets gassy sometimes, but we’ve started giving him gripe water.  We actually give it to him every night before bed because he seemed to be waking up from gas pain pretty regularly.

His baby acne is clearing up finally, too!  That lasted for several weeks… Woof!

Cutie <3

Sleep: We had a few fussy nights before Thanksgiving.  I realized we had been out of gripe water and I think gas pain was waking him up. 

We had another rough fussy time from like 7.5-8.5 weeks.  I think it was related to a Wonder Week.  Since then, Caleb has been doing well at night.  He generally does one long chunk at the start of the night (5 or 6 hours) and then another shorter one after that (3 or so hours).  It’s nice to get more sleep!

Diet: He is still eating really well.  I have pretty much stopped limiting the things I eat now.  Gripe water seemed to really help his gassiness/fussiness.  We used it steadily to kind of break the cycle and now we give it to him nightly.

Pete and I can see his brother Jon in these pictures of Caleb!  
Sweet Boy <3

Loves: He loves snuggles!  I love the way he cuddles into me and/or a blanket when he goes to sleep.

He loves the ceiling fan and the Christmas tree.  I regularly catch him staring at one or the other of them.

He also likes when people sing/music. 

He likes bath time now that it’s in the tub!

He’s usually happy during diaper changes now – that’s often when I get the best smiles :)

Dislikes: Getting out of the bath :)  I’m sure he’s just cold… I hate getting out of the shower, too! Haha…

He will usually be happy laying on his back or tummy on his activity mat.  When he’s on his tummy, he eventually starts screaming… He seems like he’s trying to roll over but he isn’t always successful… I can imagine that that would be frustrating ;)

Apparently he doesn't like his Santa outfit either ;)

Milestones: He holds his head, neck, and shoulders up really well when he’s on his tummy… He also started ROLLING OVER!  Does he think he’s like 4 months old or something??  I kept finding him on his back after I had left him on his stomach… After a few days, I finally got to see him do it :)  And the next day, Pete got to see it.

He also discovered his tongue.  I don’t know if this is really a “milestone,” but he has started licking everything!

He tracks things with his eyes, responds to us with big smiles, turns towards noise.

Love his sweet smile!

Baby Gear Love: We still love the Fisher Price Rock & Play, the Boppy, and the SwaddleMe

He loves being carried in the Moby Wrap.  I wear him at the Y in it :) He looks around for a while and then goes to sleep.

I also wore him in the Baby Bjorn recently and he, again, looked around for a while and then fell asleep :) It’s so convenient!

He still doesn’t love his bouncer or swing… But he’ll tolerate them for a while.  He does like his activity mat a lot!  We got it from a friend's yard sale.  It’s the Infantino Music and Motion Activity Gym and Play Mat.  Some of the toys are missing, as well as the prop up pillow.  So, it is this mat, but it has a little less going on :)  He likes it a lot!  I like that the mat is an easy clean material because he’s spit up on it a few times haha – I can just wipe it right off!

Random Thoughts: Caleb is getting a bit more interactive!  So fun :)  I love watching his face light up when we sing or talk to him.  I think he’s going to start laughing any day now! 

Sweet Santa!

Mama Update: As of last month, I had lost 24 pounds.  I’ve now lost 27 pounds, so I’m down another 3 pounds.  It’s not going as quickly as I would like, but at least I’m losing!  My hope for December is simply to make it through the holidays and not gain! Haha :)  That’s my usual hope for December! :)

I am finally feeling a lot more like myself!  It was around week 7 that I started feeling better.  I’m going to the Y now.  I can walk 3 miles while wearing nearly 12.5 pounds on my chest – that’s a pretty good start!  In the New Year (when he’s about 3 months old), I plan to start putting Caleb in Prime Time (childcare at the Y).  Then I can start going for it a bit more with cardio and weights.  I’m looking forward to that!

We’re in a good routine with Caleb for overnights!  He does a long stretch and then a shorter stretch after that.  So, I get a nice long chunk and then another little chunk after that.  It’s great that I only have to get up once over night :)  We’re looking forward to our first Christmas with Caleb <3

I'm so grateful for my family!  
These kiddos will be Caleb's first best friends :)

1 comment:

  1. I love this blog post! I love seeing the pictures and how he has changed already! I love that he posed similarly for his one month/two month pics! I love reading about his tricks. Honestly, I just love all of it (and him and you)! :)
