Monday, June 22, 2015

Eight Months!

Caleb is 8 months old!

Weight: 20 lbs, 9 oz.! This was on June 4th, so 5 days before he hit 8 months.  He’s probably closer to 21 lbs. now :)

Length: 27.25 inches. He grew a quarter of an inch this month! That’s something at least :)

Head Circumference: I didn’t get this part checked.
I took Caleb in a few days before his 8 month birthday.  Pete and I had been sick, so I just wanted to make sure that Caleb wasn’t sick.  Thankfully he was all good!

I seriously love him so much!

Diaper Size: He’s still in size 3!  I actually just ordered size 4 diapers for him to start wearing overnight because, even with the insert we use at night, he’s peeing out sometimes!

Clothing Size: He’s wearing 9 month and 12 month things now.  I think there are a couple random 6-9 month items that still fit, but most things have been packed up.  I’ve had to pack up a few 9 month things, but mostly those still fit him well :)

Nicknames: Curious Caleb and Baby… Mainly we just call him Caleb haha :)

Health: Caleb has been teething this month. He got his first tooth and he’s working on his second one! (The second one is now through, in month 8 :) Haha)

You can sort of see his little tooth here!

Sleep: Caleb has been doing great with sleeping in his room.  I’m so glad that transition has gone well!  His sleep has been iffy lately because of teething.  He usually has several bad nights in a row, and then will randomly have a good night!  He still nurses a lot overnight.  Usually I nurse him before he goes to bed, then before I go to bed, then once or twice in the night.  When he wakes up with teething pain, he often won’t calm down until I nurse him – occasionally I can just rock him, but that’s rare.

Diet: Caleb still nurses well – albeit distracted, but he eats :) He is eating a lot of food now too! He usually eats ½ a banana for lunch and then some type of veggie and applesauce for dinner.  For table food, he regularly eats squash and sweet potatoes/yams.  We’ve given him jarred peas, beans, and garden vegetables.  He eats those well too, but doesn’t seem to like how runny they are.  So I sometimes thicken them with cereal.  He’s tried various other things, but these are the foods he eats regularly.

Such a chunker these days!

Loves: He loves bath time!
He loves his rubber ducky – He dives for it during his baths :)
He loves when you play with him.

Dislikes: He doesn’t like avocado, still!
He doesn’t like being left to play by himself.
He doesn’t like being stuck on the floor.  He so wants to crawl and get around!

It was fun to see the difference in size and sitting ability in these pictures :)

Milestones: He got his first tooth!
He’s still not crawling… He rolls and scoots all over the place.  I can’t really leave him unattended anymore because he gets into things :) He can get up on his hands and knees and rock back and forth, but he hasn’t yet figured out how to move when he’s up there :)  He has pulled up to stand a couple times (without my assistance) using my hands or knees, but he’s not really pulling up yet.  He loves to practice standing when we stand him up, though!
He is constantly trying to sit up from laying down, but he basically just ends up doing crunches! Haha :)
He has started using a straw sippy cup.  He doesn’t get much out of it – seems like he mainly just chews on the straw, but he can get some water out.  I should probably get a different sippy cup for him to try sometime to see if he likes it more.

Trying to sit up

Baby Gear Love: We have a shape sorter and he likes that now.  He hits the blocks and then tries to crawl after them :)
We’re using the Munchkin Weighted Straw Cup.  I like that there’s a weight on the straw because he can drink out of it, no matter what way he tips the cup!

Random Thoughts: I still love the way Caleb loves his daddy and I love the way he gives kisses.
We’ve had a rough couple of weeks with sickness.  I feel like I’ve just been “getting by.”  (More about that in my update)
I’m looking forward to new things Caleb is on the brink of learning :)

Sweet boy!

Mama Update: I lost about 4 pounds this last month, which is actually really surprising to me because I haven’t been able to work out for a couple of weeks.  Pete and I both got sick.  I couldn’t believe it when the doctor told me I had bronchitis, a sinus infection, an ear infection, AND an upper respiratory infection! Pete had the same thing, but it didn’t progress quite as far as mine did – I tend to get a nasty cough and such when I get this type of thing.  (I’m finally doing better now, but still getting over the cough!)
I am 11 pounds under my pre-pregnancy weight and 10 pounds under my wedding weight!  I actually need to get out a bin of smaller clothes that haven’t fit me in 5 years!  That’s exciting J  I’d like to lose a couple more pounds and then I’m going to start doing more work with weights.  I am carrying around ~21 pounds all day, but I still want to get stronger ;)

One last comparison picture for good measure ;)

Sorry this blog post is getting posted so late!  Life has been crazy lately... I made sure to write the post and take the pictures when he hit 8 months, but I didn't get around to putting it all together and finalizing it until now, when he's about 8.5 months old... Such is life!

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