Monday, January 18, 2016

Fifteen Months!

Caleb is 15 months old!

Weight: 26 pounds. He gained 1 pound, 11 ounces since his birthday! This is the 70th percentile.  He went to the doctor sometime between his birthday and now. (I can’t remember when exactly. Maybe the end of November?) He hadn’t gained anything since his birthday.  So, he’s really gained since then. 

Length: 32 inches! He grew about 2.5 inches since his birthday! This is the 76th percentile.  I’ve been waiting for him to shoot up because he had plateaued for so long.  This makes sense, though, because all of his 18m things actually got to be the right length – just in time for them to get too tight on him ;)

Head Circumference: I got this checked, but they didn’t tell me it.  They did say his head was in the 80th percentile.  I actually might have to pack up a couple of his 18 month hoodies, even though they still fit, because they’re sooo tight to get around his head ;)

Halloween 2014 and 2015 

Diaper Size: He’s wearing size 4s during the day and size 5s at night… We switched from Pampers to Target brand because we found a deal.  Thankfully they seem to work just as well! (He has gotten rashes from other store brands, so it’s nice to find a cheaper one that works.)

He loves his Dada and especially loves when he gets home from work!

Clothing Size: I just had to pack up most of his 18 month things this week.  His shirts were getting tight and short.  His pants were getting tight and the perfect length ;) haha… He’s mainly wearing 18-24m and 24m things now.  His 18-24m pants are great on him.  24 month ones are too long, but 18 month ones are too tight.  So, we’re rolling 24 months ones etc. He’s mainly wearing size 5 shoes now, but he outgrew the main pair we used… They were nice, soft-soled, Velcro ones.  He actually left them on his feet.  So, I think it’s going to be a fight for shoes now :)

Nicknames: He gets all sorts of things, but mainly Caleb… Sometimes Baby, Buddy, Caleb Cub… His Grandpa Lonneville calls him Caleb Boy

Health: He has his 8 front teeth (4 top and 4 bottom) and 2 top molars.  2 bottom molars are both going to come through any day now. I guess his canine might be coming after that?

You can see some teeth when he cries ;)

Sleep: Caleb goes to bed around 7:30-7:45 pm… He nurses at bedtime and then once in the night (sometime between 2 & 4 am).  He usually is awake at least one other time, but he just needs his binky and then goes right back to sleep.  He sleeps until sometime between 7 & 8 on most days.  Just this week he has officially switched to 1 nap (after weeks of sometimes 2 naps and sometimes 1 nap, depending on our schedule and his mood).  His nap length isn’t consistent yet.  On good days it’s 3-4 hours, on bad days it’s 1.5 hours.  1.5 hours just isn’t enough for him when he’s only getting one nap.

Diet: Caleb eats 3 meals and 2 snacks on most days.  Once in a while he’ll have an extra snack, especially if he sees other people eating! Haha :) He loves to eat – typically he does well with anything, although he recently is getting a bit picky.  He loves bread and cheese… So if you let him have a roll (for example) before he’s done with his main course, he’ll eat the roll and throw the other food.  So, I’m trying to space those foods well for him :)
Like I said above, he’s only nursing twice a day now.  He’s also nursing for a shorter amount of time and is seeming generally less-interested. So I wouldn’t be surprised if he eliminates those times in the next couple of months? We’ll see…

He enjoyed Thanksgiving food!

Milestones: Teeth #8-10 came through in the last few months.
Caleb is running all over the place – he’s quick!
He has figured out that he can climb – onto chairs, ottomans, tubs, boxes, etc.  It’s fun to watch him learn and discover, but man does it stress me out lol
Caleb is starting to talk a liiiiittle bit more… He says “t t t” for “eat eat eat!”  And he is starting to say done (ish) and raise his hands for “all done” :) He sometimes says something that sounds like bye bye and he sometimes says a squeal that sounds like hi… but both of those are very come and go.  He does still say Mama and Dada (and variations) and he babbles a lot!

He was trying to turn the TV on with the remote :)

Baby Gear Love: Caleb LOVES his Mega Bloks! He has figured out how to put them together and take them apart, which is fun!

He also loves a set of wooden blocks and wooden stacking rings that he was given for Christmas from Nana & Grandad.  They’re from Ikea and he plays with them a tonnn

Mama Update: We’re going through a very difficult, emotional time as a family.  In the last week, we’ve lost my uncle and my grandfather.  They both really came out of the blue and it was pretty unbelievable that they were happening simultaneously… So, Mama has been busy with all of this going on and very emotional. 

Playing with Grandad when he wasn't as sick.

Caleb's last time to see Grandad :(

(Mama was also pregnant, but hadn’t announced yet ;) )

Christmas 2014 and 2015

Mama was 6 weeks pregnant here, but our friends didn't know yet!
(Attending a wedding)